Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tiny House Made Easy Review—DIY Homebuilding or Scam?

Before we get into a detailed Tiny House Made Easy review, we need to give you a full Adam Ketcher review. He has 20 years of experience in tiny house construction, having over 300 tiny houses to his name.

Additionally, he has worked as a consultant for quite some time, advising clients on how to build a tiny house. He has also worked in the shipping container home industry and has created quite a following there as well.

What does the Tiny House Made Easy product offer?

Tiny House Made Easy Review: Is It Worth Buying?

To provide a thorough review of the Tiny House Made Easy program, here is a rundown of its major offerings:

A list of tools you will need

Before you start any construction, you have to review what kinds of tools you need; something that only an industry insider can help you with. That is why the author goes to great lengths to include all that you’ll need within the Tiny House Made Easy book.

Advice on how to avoid mistakes

To keep you from making common mistakes, the author has included invaluable advice that you won’t get on Youtube or other online platforms. For instance, he includes insight into which is the biggest mistake newbie builders make and how to avoid it. Ultimately, Tiny House Made Easy can help you save tens of thousands of dollars.

Advice on renting and land acquisition

Whether you are looking to rent or buy the land that will accommodate your tiny house, the Tiny House Made Easy Program can help you out. It contains secrets that will save you money on parking land. In it, you will also find a list of tiny house-friendly areas in the United States you can review.

How-to-guide on choosing the right trailer

There are several factors to consider when choosing a high-quality trailer for your tiny house. And since it can be a hassle picking one, the author seeks to simplify things in this program. He has included a section with all the features you need to review when choosing a trailer.

Tips on how to hone your building skills

If this is your first time building a tiny house, the author has a pleasant surprise for you – he has included tips to help you learn fast. And he doesn’t cover just surface topics- he goes deep into what every professional home builder should know. Some of the things he covers in Tiny House Made Easy include:

  • How to identify the load-bearing capacity of the soil you are planning to build on
  • How to set up a foundation that will save you up to 30% on your project costs
  • The best house frame building techniques to help you build tiny houses

Tutorial on how to set up stable gray water facilities

A stable gray water system helps you properly dispose of waste and recycle your water. This in turn not only keeps your compound clean but also brings down your water costs in the long run. That is why in Tiny House Made Easy, Adam Ketcher includes a section with information on how to set up one.

Tips on choosing the best insulation and cooling systems

One of the most important things to consider when building a tiny house is whether it can withstand extreme temperatures. Fortunately, Adam Ketcher helps you choose the best insulation and heat-reflecting materials to prevent temperature control failures. This ensures that your house stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Advice on dealing with local authorities

If you have never built anything that required you to consult with local authorities before, you will appreciate the great lengths the author goes to simplify this process for you. He includes information on how to reliably connect your house water and electricity to the grid and even avoid zoning restrictions.

Insights on how to maximize storage and space

As anyone who has been a part of the tiny house construction movement can tell you, storage and space maximization are key. Luckily, Adam adequately helps you with this. Inside Tiny House Made Easy, you will find tips on how to review your storage capacity, increase it, and use optical illusions to make your house look more spacious.

Guide on living off the grid

If you have always wanted to try living off the grid, this program can help you understand what to expect, especially when it comes to electricity. The author gives you a thorough review of this way of life and gives you a how-to guide on setting up off-grid electricity for tiny houses.

Tips on choosing the right roof for your region

No matter where you plan to set up your tiny homes, this program can help you choose the right roof for your weather and climate. Tiny House Made Easy even includes guides on how to add radiant barriers to houses when setting up in a place with warm weather.

Key problems that the Tiny House Made Easy product addresses

Tiny House Made Easy Review: Does This Guide Really Help You To Build A Tiny  House Easily?

Specific pain points that Adam Ketcher addresses in his program include:

High construction costs

Since many people view a tiny house as a way to live a simpler, cheaper life, it doesn’t make sense to them to spend a fortune on one. It is better for them to review their budget and adjust their expectations accordingly. That is why Adam offers a variety of ways you can save money when building your tiny home. These include:

  • Avoiding costly mistakes
  • Getting affordable tools and land
  • Getting essential parts for free.

Throughout this program, the author helps you get the best construction results at the least cost. Also, he includes some cool DIY processes that can save you some money. For instance, he guides you on how to grow your own food, providing insights into gardening, composting, and choosing the right plants for tiny houses.

Safety concerns

Not only does this program contain tips on how to ensure that your tiny house is safe but it also helps you create a secure house perimeter. Ultimately, Tiny House Made Easy offers life-saving safety principles that many people never think about.

Harsh temperatures

By letting you know how to review your home’s temperature and keep it at optimal levels throughout the year, Tiny House Made Easy helps you have a comfortable and pleasant stay in your tiny home throughout the year.

Bonuses that come with Tiny House Made Easy

Tiny House Made Easy - Enthusiast 4 Shopping

If you are a sucker for great deals, we have good news for you – some bonuses come with the Tiny House Made Easy product. These include:

Bonus 1: Floor Plans of Tiny Houses

This program contains floor plans that Adam Ketcher has designed for his clients over the years. The house plans are high quality and range in complexity from simple to advanced.

Bonus 2: Shipping Containers Made Easy

As its name suggests, this product provides all the information needed to build a functional shipping container home. In it, Adam Ketcher shows you how to choose high-quality shipping containers and convert them into houses in the fastest and most affordable way.

Bonus 3: Tiny House Homesteading

This how-to guide offers a deep dive into all things growing your own food. If being self-sufficient is a priority for you, this product will come in handy.

Bonus 4: The Tiny House Trailers Bible

If you want your tiny house to be mobile, this product will help you with the trailer side of things. It contains everything you need to know, including where to get the best affordable trailers, how to pick one, and how to weatherproof it. You will even learn how to negotiate the price and get the trailer delivered right to your doorstep.

Bonus 5: Living Off The Grid

This specialized program will teach you how to make your own electricity using solar, wind, and micro-hydro systems. It also features a deep dive into the advantages of powering your shipping container home using your own electricity.

Bonus 6: Lifetime Updates Guarantee

This bonus offer ensures that every time the author updates the program, you get notified. So every time he creates a new edition of the program, you get a free copy sent straight to your inbox

Bonus 7: Customer Support

The greatest bonus of this program is the fact that you have unlimited access to the author. You can call on him and ask questions as you work on your house-building project.

What makes Tiny House Made Easy different?

While it does have some offerings that are like other programs, several things make Adam Ketcher’s Tiny House Made Easy stand out. These include:

Click Bank is its chosen retailer

Since Click Bank is one of the most trusted online retailers in North America, its support of the Tiny House Made Easy product gives it a layer of credibility. This is great to have in a world where some are already wondering, “Is  Tiny House Made Easy a scam?”

It is only available on its official website

You can only buy this product through a link on its official website which the author has copyrighted with an all rights reserved notice. And while some people can see this as a limitation, it does come with one advantage – you get to deal with the author directly. It also helps that the website has comments from other people who have bought the program and what they think of it, further proving that it’s not a scam.

It comes with a money-back guarantee

If there is one thing that proves that this program by Adam Ketcher is not a scam, it has to be its 60-day money-back guarantee. It ensures that people only pay if it’s beneficial to their house-building endeavor.

The Bottom Line

All things considered, Tiny House Made Easy by Adam Ketcher is quite a helpful resource. It gives you all the information you need in a simple organized way. Also, the Ebooks’ price isn’t considering all the information you get in return. The bonuses included are life-saving as well – the floor plans included are quite detailed and the lifetime updates guarantee is quite beneficial.

And since this book can only be bought from a link in the author’s bio, you can be sure that it is not a scam. People interested in building tiny houses that allow them to grow their food will particularly benefit from this.